SciPerCon SciPerCon We make your research possible

Honest feedback

What do the scientists say about us?

Current scientific work requires numerous permits to conduct our work, what is often a long-lasting process of many steps. I am grateful to SciPerCon for saving my time!

Dr. Jan Šobotník, entomologist

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

I love to go to the field to collect termites, but the bureaucracy is very boring and usually difficult to finalize. Therefore, SciPerCon solves these issues instead of me.

Assoc. Prof. David Sillam-Dussès, ethologist

University Sorbonne Paris Nord

Scipercon not only managed my export permits from Papua New Guinea, but was also able to solve the problems instantly, when the local office changed the negotiated terms.

PhD-student Michael Kotyk, protistologist

Charles University Prague