
Researching in Pakistan may be pretty tuff. The country is large, the geography and climate are incredibly diverse, and the infrastructure is not always in the best shape. But Pakistan is also home to a wide variety of wildlife and culture! The local people are known for their general hospitality and a good level of education. In total, if you are interested in conducting some research in Pakistan, it is definitely a good choice!

Although Pakistan is part of CBD since 1994 and Nagoya protocol since 2016, the regulations are still not fully implemented. Thus, getting information on how to access genetic resources legally is a bit complicated. Moreover, the procedure will surely change soon, as the Nagoya protocol implementation is in the process right now.

Recently, SciPerCon assisted with the scientific permit agenda in Pakistan to the Department of Veterinary Sciences based at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. The team of scientists from Prague and the Advanced Parasitology Research Laboratory at the University of Sindh collaborate on domesticated animal parasites research. Some of the material needed to be transported to Prague, and so SciPerCon helped with the permitting process.

Now, we know the process takes less than a month, and the responsible bureaucrats are very helpful. On the other hand, the process will change, so SciPerCon will keep an eye on the valid regulations to have the most current information.

If you plan your research in Pakistan, please, do not hesitate to turn to us with your requests!