SciPerCon SciPerCon We make your research possible


Thailand is a country full of natural wonders and rich culture! However, it is also sometimes considered as a too-way bureaucratic kingdom. That might be true, but at least you can rely on the processes and the truly friendly and helpful approach of Thai people. Therefore, the complex research permit application procedure should not discourage you from your intention to conduct research in this beautiful country.

For any biological research or export permit application, it is highly recommended to have a local collaborator from academia or get in touch with a particular state organization. Although it is not obligatory, it helps a lot in the application processes. 

Lately, Sci|Per|Con had the honor to solve the research and collecting permission for the Termite Research Team (TRT) under the leadership of Assoc. Prof. Jan Šobotník. TRT prepared truly nice in situ experiments on organic matter decomposition in the tropical forests aimed at termite contribution. Apart from the research permit application procedure, Sci|Per|Con took care of the project's interim reports, so TRT could entirely focus on the research.

Unluckily, like with many other activities, the experiment of TRT was terminated by the global pandemic. On the other hand, Sci|Per|Con has recent experiences with the process and can provide up-to-date information. If you plan a research project to be conducted in Thailand, don't hesitate to turn to us!